April 26th, 2012

So today was the not the first time I came upon an article all about celebrity airbrushing and the sins of Photoshop.

Many people believe that airbrushing is a sin against humanity and mainly against women young and old, not so young. It emphasizes society’s expectations of too thin, forever young, and perfection, perfection, perfection which is (as you know already or will discover eventually)impossible.

I agree to some extent but I am not 100% against it. I think if a picture is unrecognizable or if you are taking 10-30 pounds or 10-30 years off a celebrity or model whatever, it really isn’t adjusting a picture, it’s painting a new one.

What do you guys think? Is it a sin against humanity or should people just get over it?

Here is the article for your perusal.

Sending you guys hugs from my un-airbrushed arms that have seen better days, :o)

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 26th, 2012 at 12:31 pm and is filed under Reviews. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Airbrushing Sin Against Humanity or Get Over it?”

Di Says:

I think it depends on what is being advertised. If it’s just photography for photography’s sake then whatever the artist wants is what they should do. If it’s for the purpose of selling something, then the correction shouldn’t enhance what the product is capable of doing, ie lying. When it comes to celebrities, I don’t care but I think it’s foolish. The paparazzi are not going to be as kind and “real” photos will out eventually.

I wish though that they wouldn’t do it over weight issues. It’s hard enough being an adolescent without trying hard to never realize this idea of perfection

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